About Me


My path to spiritual direction evolved over a period of years during seminary at the Pacific School of Religion. New seminarians were urged to seek counseling or spiritual direction. I chose a spiritual director who became my companion through the rigors of intense involvement in theological studies and personal challenges. She was a great listener. I discovered God’s presence in the nitty-gritty of seminary life. Spiritual direction was different, Unlike counseling or therapy, it was a heart based approach to spiritual practices. Spiritual direction for me was about discerning Spirit’s movement. Theological studies coupled with spiritual direction led me toward chaplaincy as my chosen ministry.

A health crisis necessitated our return to Tucson in 2008. I continued my seminary studies at the Quaker seminary, Earlham School of Religion. At Earlham, I learned about seeking the   “Inner Light”On personal retreat in 2011, I found the Hesyschia School for Spiritual Direction at the Redemtorist Renewal Center. It was the first time I read the text on the chapel wall. It felt like it was addressed to me,


After graduating from Earlham and ordination, I received a call to pastor  a small church in Fort Myers FL. I could not have imagined a more satisfying job; arranging social events, providing spiritual guidance making house and hospital visits. My vision of ministry expanded during my time in Fort Myers. Challenges in pastoral work and a health crisis compelled me to seek God’s presence.  We returned to Tucson.  I sensed that we were called back to the desert. God was not done speaking to me. “Now I am going to draw her back to me. I will lead her into the desert. There I will speak tenderly to her.” (Hosea 2:14 NIRV).  Over and over again, I sensed a call to minister to those at the end stage of life.

I resumed a ministry I began in 2009, Circle Community, a virtual and real life ministry in Tucson. While in seminary, I trained in Clinical Pastoral Education beginning in Palo Alto CA aaand Walnut Creek CA. Lastly, in Phoenix AZ. I travelled back home tob back home to on weekends. I searched hospice chaplain positions and was hired for the first time in 2012. That first job in Tucson began my career as a hospice chaplain.  All the while, I felt an internal nudge toward becoming a spiritual director. Meeting with my Spiritual Director helped me discern the movement of Spirit in my life as never before. I found my way back to the Redemtorist Center in Tucson, to the Hesychia School for Spiritual Direction. https://desertrenewal.org/hesychia-sd-school/The text on the chapel wall that spoke to me at the retreat retreat in 2011 was once again speaking to me. Twice I’ve been called back to the desert. I had many things to learn.

Notes about this website

The beauty of sunsets the cloud formations over the mountains never cease to amaze and delight me. In Tucson I walked into the desert at sunset. 

All of the pictures on this website were taken by me with my cell phone camera.

Since my move back to Georgia in 2015, my life has changed, I lost my husband in 2014 and I moved from Tucson. One year, I served as pastor in two congregations in KS. The return to GA helped heal aching heart, I was living closer to my children. I currently serve as Pastoral Counselor in a psychiatric residental treatment center in Atlanta. Recently I left hospice work and seek to serve as a Spiritual Director and Companion.  Of course everything has changed for me. The views and sites I visit have also changed.


I walk early in the morning, often to a nearby park and enjoy the lush green woods and the stream gurgling under the foot bridge.